Magic itemYes
Rarityuncommon (requires attunement)
TextThis 5-foot roll of sticky tape is imbued with a variation of the alarm spell. It functions as normal tape, unless you speak the command word when removing a portion. If a creature besides you cuts this portion of tape or removes it from its place, a blaring alarm produces the sound of an emergency claxon for 10 seconds, clearly audible within 600 feet. Only one portion of tape can be enchanted in this way at a time. If you attempt to activate another portion of tape with another piece already activated, the older portion deactivates. If you lose attunement with this tape, any activated portions immediately deactivate. Reattuning to the tape does not reactivate such a portion. Source: Tasha's Crucible of Everything Else, Volume 1 p. 66 (Homebrew)