Text | When you die, you're transported to an extradimensional space where you're stabilized at 0 hit points and kept in that state. The amulet creates a perfect copy of your corpse and places it where you were just before you died, but without any of your worn or carried items. After 24 hours, you regain 1 hit point and are returned to the location of your neardeath. Everything about you is the same, except that your facial features are entirely different from before. Only a Wish spell can restore your true identity. Until then, you have disadvantage on any Charisma (Persuasion) checks to attempt to reveal who you really are.
An Identify spell or similar reveals only that the amulet can prevent death. Once you attune to the amulet, you can't describe its ability to any other creature, and if unattuned, you immediately forget what the amulet does. A Remove Curse spell reveals the details of the curse but does not remove it from the amulet.
Source: Chains of Asmodeus p. 267 (Third Party) |