Text | This bright orange fluid is stored in a syringe and charged with arcane magic. You can use an action to administer the shot directly to the heart of yourself or another willing creature.
You are protected against contamination for six hours after receiving a dose of aqua expurgo. During this time, whenever you fail a saving throw against an effect that would cause you to gain one or more contamination levels, you can choose to succeed instead. You can use this ability three times, after which the effects of aqua expurgo expire.
If the effects of aqua expurgo expire in this manner, you immediately take 10 (3d6) necrotic damage and become incapacitated for 1 minute while you violently retch corrupt bile. Your hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until you finish a long rest. You die if this effect reduces your hit point maximum to 0. The necrotic damage can't be reduced or prevented by any means.
Source: Dungeons of Drakkenheim p. 230 |