NameArmor of the Spineless
Magic itemYes
Rarityarmor (any kind), generic variant, very rare (requires attunement)
TextWhile wearing this armor, you can subtract your Charisma modifier from your Armor Class. Leather Armor of the Spineless Padded Armor of the Spineless Studded Leather Armor of the Spineless Breastplate of the Spineless Chain Shirt of the Spineless Half Plate Armor of the Spineless Hide Armor of the Spineless Scale Mail of the Spineless Spiked Armor of the Spineless Chain Mail of the Spineless Plate Armor of the Spineless Ring Mail of the Spineless Splint Armor of the Spineless Source: Tasha's Crucible of Everything Else, Volume 1 p. 66 (Homebrew)