Text | This mithral longsword is of elven design, bearing runes along the blade that read "Arelind", an ancient elven word that means "Champion of the People". These blades were often gifts given by elven wizards to non-elven allies of great esteem.
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. It sheds dim light in a 5-foot radius when unsheathed. You can speak, read, and write Elvish so long as the sword is on your person.
Versatile: This weapon can be used with one or two hands. A damage value in parentheses appears with the property—the damage when the weapon is used with two hands to make a melee Attack.
Proficiency: martial, longsword
Source: Xanathar's Lost Notes to Everything Else p. 61 (Homebrew) |