Text | While holding this segmented, 1-foot-long rod, you can speak its command word as an action to cause it to extend in either direction. The rod can extend up to 50 feet or as far as the surrounding space allows. If the rod touches another creature or surface before reaching its full length, the rod stops moving in that direction. If it stops moving against a solid, unmoving surface, the rod fills the gaps to hold firm against it.
The rod is unwieldy to hold once it's longer than 10 feet, forcing you to make a Strength (Athletics) check to maintain your grip on it while it's extended beyond that range. The DC for this check is equal to 8 + 1 for every 5 feet beyond 10 that the rod is extended. For example, the DC is 9 while the rod is 15 feet long, but 16 while a full 50 feet. If you lose your grip and drop the rod or use it to make an attack while it's extended more than 10 feet, it immediately retracts back to its shortened length. You can speak the rod's command word again as an action to cause it to retract.
Source: The Griffon's Saddlebag Vol. 1 p. 33 (Homebrew) |