NameBelt of The Monkey
Magic itemYes
Rarityuncommon (requires attunement)
TextThis metal belt is made of silver monkeys locked arm in arm with tiny pieces of jade for each primate's eyes. While wearing it, you feel the tickling urge to treat the world as a playground by swinging on objects, climbing trees, and scaling buildings. While wearing this belt, you add double your proficiency to Strength (Athletics) checks to climb. As an action, any tail you have becomes prehensile for an hour. If you don't have a tail, you grow a 3-foot prehensile tail out of your posterior for an hour. You can hang from your tail, provided it has something to hold onto. Your tail also acts as a third arm and hand, allowing you to manipulate and wield objects that weigh 5 lbs. or less. In this state you could hold three weapons at once, but you can still only fight with two at a time. You can't use this ability again until you have completed a long rest. Source: Xanathar's Lost Notes to Everything Else p. 61 (Homebrew)