Name | Bow of Grounding |
Type | R |
Weight | 2 |
Magic item | Yes |
Rarity | longbow, rare (requires attunement) |
Text | A stiff but bendable chain makes up the curvature of this longbow. Each link of chain has a small pink pearl in the center. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage roll made with this longbow. When you shoot a creature with a flying speed with this bow, it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or have its flying speed reduced by 10 feet. The target must complete a short rest before it can regain any speed lost in this way.
Ammunition: You can use a weapon that has the ammunition property to make a ranged attack only if you have ammunition to fire from the weapon. Each time you attack with the weapon, you expend one piece of ammunition. Drawing the ammunition from a quiver, case, or other container is part of the attack (you need a free hand to load a one-handed weapon). At the end of the battle, you can recover half your expended ammunition by taking a minute to search the battlefield.
If you use a weapon that has the ammunition property to make a melee attack, you treat the weapon as an improvised weapon (see "Improvised Weapons").
Range: A weapon that can be used to make a ranged attack has a range shown in parentheses after the ammunition or thrown property. The range lists two numbers. The first is the weapon's normal range in feet, and the second indicates the weapon's maximum range. When attacking a target beyond normal range, you have disadvantage on the attack roll. You can't attack a target beyond the weapon's long range.
Two-Handed: This weapon requires two hands when you attack with it.
Heavy: Small creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls with heavy weapons. A heavy weapon's size and bulk make it too large for a Small creature to use effectively.
Proficiency: martial, longbow
Source: Xanathar's Lost Notes to Everything Else p. 61 (Homebrew) |
Name | Bow of Grounding |
Type | W |
Magic item | Yes |
Rarity | rarity varies |
Text | These plain boxes are carved with Dwarvish runes, surprisingly light, and roughly the size of a loaf of bread. Inside, the box is much more extravagant, lined with crushed velvet and studded with gems. An old dwarf nursery rhyme plays when the box is open. "The Legend of Calibra Daliq" is about a dwarf wizard thief who shrunk herself to sneak past guards and locked doors in order to get her riches.
The DM either rolls to determine the box's type or chooses one from the options available.These plain boxes are carved with Dwarvish runes, surprisingly light, and roughly the size of a loaf of bread. Inside, the box is much more extravagant, lined with crushed velvet and studded with gems. An old dwarf nursery rhyme plays when the box is open. "The Legend of Calibra Daliq" is about a dwarf wizard thief who shrunk herself to sneak past guards and locked doors in order to get her riches.
The DM either rolls to determine the box's type or chooses one from the options available.
Box of Shrinking Type:
d100 | Metal | Original object space | Rarity
01-50 | Iron | 5-ft cube or smaller | Uncommon
51-80 | Steel | 10-ft cube or smaller | Rare
81-95 | Mithral | 15-ft cube or smaller | Very Rare
96-100 | Adamantine | 20-ft cube or smaller | Legendary
You can use the box of shrinking's Grow and Shrink abilities once per day each. You must be holding the box to use either ability.
As an action, any item previously shrunken by a box of shrinking of equal or lesser rarity and power may be grown. The item must be placed in the box of shrinking and its original size must be within the parameters on the table above. Once the command word is spoken the object appears in an unoccupied space adjacent to the box of shrinking. You must be holding the box of shrinking to use this ability.
As an action you may speak a command word and one non-living object within 50 feet of the box of shrinking has its size reduced to a 1-inch cube, weighs half a pound, and is teleported into the box. The item stays this size until it is grown by a box of shrinking. The shrunken item may be no larger than specified on the table above.
Source: Xanathar's Lost Notes to Everything Else p. 62 (Homebrew) |