Text | Starting at rank 2, your coin of decisionry becomes a common magic item. When you flip the coin, it always lands with the Acquisitions Incorporated sigil face down, and a message appears on the "tails" face. Roll a d4 on the following table to determine the message.
d4 | Decision
1 | Lucrative
2 | Brand Appeal
3 | Indeterminate
4 | Ruinous
The coin has absolutely no divination abilities, and its results when you use it are random. But nobody else knows that. When a creature within 10 feet of you flips the coin (after having had its powerful prognostication powers dutifully explained), you can exert your will to control its operation as a bonus action, choosing the result that appears after it lands as a means of gently coercing the user toward a specific course of action. The creature flipping the coin can detect your manipulation with a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) check.
Better Odds: When you reach rank 3, your coin of decisionry gains a measure of actual divination power and becomes an uncommon magic item. In addition to its normal function, you can use an action to flip the coin of decisionry twice while pondering a specific plan or objective, noting both random results. If you succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check, you learn which of the two results is more applicable to the course of action. This property of the coin can't be used again until the next dawn.
Source: Acquisitions Incorporated p. 22 |