Text | This necklace has a narrow rectangular loop as a pendant, sized to fit a common coin. On inspection, it holds enchantments related to gambling and money. While attuned to the necklace, you have advantage on ability checks with gaming sets with which you are proficient.
When you attune to the necklace, it fuses to your body, with the slot becoming a small, seemingly bottomless hole on your chest. It can only be removed with a remove curse spell or similar magic. While attuned, you must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw after you use an action to attack, cast a spell, or make an ability check or else be paralyzed until the end of your next turn. The wearer or another creature within 5 feet of you may use an action or bonus action to insert a coin into the slot. After a coin has been inserted, you automatically succeed on one saving throw against the necklace for each gold piece in value inserted into the necklace. 1 hour after a coin is inserted, the benefit from it is wasted. The necklace mercifully does not give change.
Source: Tasha's Crucible of Everything Else, Volume 1 p. 67 (Homebrew) |