NameCold Iron Weapons
Magic itemYes
Rarityweapon (any), generic variant, rare
TextThis weapon is made out of cold iron, which is toxic to fey creatures. When you hit a fey creature with this weapon, it deals an extra 1d6 force damage. The fey also has disadvantage on saving throws to avoid being banished or otherwise returned to the feywild until the end of your next turn. Cold Iron Battleaxe Cold Iron Blowgun Cold Iron Club Cold Iron Dagger Cold Iron Dart Cold Iron Double-Bladed Scimitar Cold Iron Flail Cold Iron Glaive Cold Iron Greataxe Cold Iron Greatclub Cold Iron Greatsword Cold Iron Halberd Cold Iron Hand Crossbow Cold Iron Handaxe Cold Iron Heavy Crossbow Cold Iron Hooked Shortspear Cold Iron Hoopak Cold Iron Javelin Cold Iron Lance Cold Iron Light Crossbow Cold Iron Light Hammer Cold Iron Light Repeating Crossbow Cold Iron Longbow Cold Iron Longsword Cold Iron Mace Cold Iron Maul Cold Iron Morningstar Cold Iron Net Cold Iron Pike Cold Iron Quarterstaff Cold Iron Rapier Cold Iron Scimitar Cold Iron Shortbow Cold Iron Shortsword Cold Iron Sickle Cold Iron Sling Cold Iron Spear Cold Iron Trident Cold Iron War Pick Cold Iron Warhammer Cold Iron Whip Cold Iron Yklwa Source: Tasha's Crucible of Everything Else, Volume 1 p. 67 (Homebrew)