NameCrown of Aglarion
Magic itemYes
Raritylegendary (requires attunement)
TextMaster Arlen created the crown of Aglarion to symbolize the integrity of the monarchy of Aglarion that was established hundreds of years ago by the first monarch, King Razmyrel Melkar the True. Its powers were designed to serve the first king in his campaign against the zealous Order of the Eternal Light. The wearer of the crown of Aglarion gains a +1 bonus to ability checks, AC, and saving throws, and can cast the following spells once per day: control weather, move earth, pass wall. The crown of Aglarion is imprevious to all types of damage. The wearer of the crown of Aglarion can also create a floating disk that has a 50-foot diameter and can hold up to 20,000 pounds. The wearer of the crown of Aglarion and any other creature can stand on its surface. As an action, the wearer of the crown of Aglarion can move the floating disk with a fly speed of 30 ft. The disk disappears after 1 hour and cannot be recreated until the next dawn. In its current state, the crown of Aglarion is cursed and was given vile sentience and personality when the Matrons of Malice bound the horned devil Kalanistophle to it. The devil's soul advises their hagspawn daughters, the triplet Queen Aphinahs, in their rule. It is a lawful evil sentient magic item with an Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma score of 15. It communicates by transmitting emotions to the creature carrying or wearing it. It has hearing and darkvision in a 120 ft. radius. The crown of Aglarion demands its wearer to maintain the rule of the Matrons of Malice over Aglarion, pursuing this goal to the exclusion of all other goals. If the crown's wearer refuses to comply with its wishes, the item can attempt to take control of its wearer. If the crown of Aglarion attempts to take control of its wearer, the wearer must make a DC 14 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the wearer is charmed by the item for 1d12 hours. While charmed, the wearer must try to follow the commands of the crown of Aglarion. If the wearer takes damage, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. Whether the attempt to control its user succeeds or fails, the crown of Aglarion can't use this power again until the next dawn. Once donned, the crown of Aglarion can only be removed after the use of a remove curse spell or similar magic, or if its wearer dies. The curse on the crown of Aglarion can only be removed by all three of the Matrons of Malice, and only if it is laid on a pyre made from the Hagtree where the true heir of the crown is burnt, while the dead King Dasmag plays a melody. Source: Crown of the Oathbreaker p. 734 (Homebrew)