Text | Clouds of these intelligent, evil spores are being spread by the Undervoid. Any creature within 10 feet of these spores must make a successful DC 13 Constitution saving throw or suffer one of the following random effects (roll 1d6):
1. You become infected. See 'Spores Burst' in the Fungahshaman stat block on page 52 in Monsters of the Underworld.
2. -1 to your Constitution modifier for a day.
3. You take 1d4 poison damage.
4. The area in a 30-foot radius around you becomes lightly obscured by spores for 10 minutes.
5. You speak only in Primordial for 1 day.
6. Your alignment changes to neutral evil for 10 minutes.
Source: Monsters of the Underworld p. 115 (Homebrew) |