Text | You can use this card to summon a devil. The card is attuned to a specific devil with a challenge rating of 8 or lower. As an action, you can hold this card aloft and summon that devil, which appears in an unoccupied space you can see within 30 feet of you. The devil is initially unfriendly toward you and your companions. Roll initiative for the devil, which has its own turns. The DM has the creature's stat block. On each of your turns, you can issue a verbal command to the devil (no action required by you), and as long as you are holding this card, the devil obeys your commands. Otherwise, it is under the DM's control and acts according to its nature—it might attack you if it thinks it can prevail or try to tempt you to undertake an evil act in exchange for further service. After 1 minute or when the devil's hit points drop to 0, the devil returns to the Lower Planes. Once this property is used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.
Source: The Book of Many Things p. 13 |