Text | Eberron dragonshards are found in shallow soil, and often encased in geode-like stone shells. Eberron shards can be found almost anywhere, but the most significant deposits have been discovered in jungle environments, notably Q'barra and the distant land of Xen'drik. In their raw form, Eberron shards are rosy crystals with crimson swirls flowing their depths.
Eberron shards are the most common form of dragonshard. They are primarily refined into a glowing powder. This dragonshard dust can be used to fuel almost any act of magic. When casting a spell, you can use dragonshard dust in place of any spell component that has a cost, unless the DM says otherwise. Dragonshard dust is used in the creation of magic items, and many powerful tools | such as the lightning rail and elemental airships | require an ongoing expenditure of Eberron dragonshards to maintain their enchantments.
Source: Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron Chapter 5 |