Text | Any Small or Medium humanoid can wear the dragon-wing glider. (It takes 1 minute to don or doff the glider.) It can't support more than 80 pounds, although the amount of weight it can carry is not evident. A character who inspects the glider in an attempt to discern its maximum weight allowance can do so accurately with a successful DC 15 Intelligence check.
If its wearer is light enough (accounting for gear), the apparatus can be used to glide, but only in wide-open spaces where there is room to maneuver. The wearer can become airborne by stepping or jumping off a high place, or by performing a high jump to take off from level ground. While aloft, the wearer gains a flying speed equal to its walking speed, with the following limitations: except in a significant updraft, the bearer can't use the glider to gain altitude, and the glider descends 1 foot for every 10 feet of horizontal distance covered. At the end of the flight, the wearer lands on its feet and the glider is intact. If the wearer tries to accelerate the rate of descent, the glider breaks, and the wearer falls.
The glider has AC 12, 1 hit point, and a 15-foot wingspan. Any damage causes it to break and become inoperable. A mending can trip can repair the damage, provided all the broken pieces are present.
Source: Curse of Strahd p. 88 |