NameLiving Ship (Vehicle)
Rarityvehicle (space)
TextDruids, rangers, and clerics devoted to gods of nature are often found aboard living ships, as are Wildspace explorers who don't want to have to worry about their ship's air envelope becoming fouled during a long voyage. This ship's main distinctive feature is the fully grown treant on the aft deck. The treant has a speed of 0 because its roots are woven into the deck; it and the ship are inseparable. If the ship is reduced to 0 hit points, the treant dies of shock. The ship can function if its treant dies, but the treant can never be replaced with another. When the treant finishes a long rest, it repairs the ship's hull, enabling the ship to regain 4d12 hit points, and refreshes the ship's air envelope (turning deadly air into foul air, or foul air into fresh air). A living ship can float on water and sail across it, but it can't land safely on the ground (its keel would cause it to roll on its side). Its standard weaponry is an aft-mounted ballista. Size: Large Vehicle (80 ft. by 20 ft.) Armor Class: 15 (wood) Hit Points: 250 Damage Threshold: 15 Speed: flying speed 40 ft. (4 1/2 mph) Cost: 25000 gp Keel/Beam: 80 ft. / 20 ft. Crew: 5 plus the treant Cargo: 10 tons Ballista Armor Class 15 Hit Points 50 Cost 50 gp (ballista), 5 gp (bolt) It takes 1 action to load the ballista, 1 action to aim it, and 1 action to fire it. Bolt: Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 120/480 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d10) piercing damage. Source: Spelljammer: Adventures in Space - Astral Adventurer's Guide p. 36