NameLycan Weapons
Magic itemYes
Rarityweapon (any), generic variant, rare
TextMade from the claws, teeth, and bones of lycanthropes, these weapons are particularly effective against other lycanthropes or vampires. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. Additionally, on a successful attack against a lycanthrope, the target is forced back into its human form unless it succeeds on a DC 10 Charisma saving throw. Also, damage done to vampires with lycan weapons cannot be regenerated until the creature finishes a short rest. Lycan Battleaxe Lycan Blowgun Lycan Club Lycan Dagger Lycan Dart Lycan Double-Bladed Scimitar Lycan Flail Lycan Glaive Lycan Greataxe Lycan Greatclub Lycan Greatsword Lycan Halberd Lycan Hand Crossbow Lycan Handaxe Lycan Heavy Crossbow Lycan Hooked Shortspear Lycan Hoopak Lycan Javelin Lycan Lance Lycan Light Crossbow Lycan Light Hammer Lycan Light Repeating Crossbow Lycan Longbow Lycan Longsword Lycan Mace Lycan Maul Lycan Morningstar Lycan Net Lycan Pike Lycan Quarterstaff Lycan Rapier Lycan Scimitar Lycan Shortbow Lycan Shortsword Lycan Sickle Lycan Sling Lycan Spear Lycan Trident Lycan War Pick Lycan Warhammer Lycan Whip Lycan Yklwa Source: Grim Hollow: Lairs of Etharis p. 111