Text | Built and used by mind flayers, nautiloids are designed exclusively for space travel. They can't float on water, nor can they land safely on the ground.
As an action, a creature attuned to a nautiloid's spelljamming helm and in physical contact with the ship can transport the nautiloid and all creatures and objects aboard it to a different plane of existence, at or near a destination envisioned by the spelljammer (or to a random location on the plane if no destination is envisioned). This property is a feature of the ship, not the spelljamming helm. Each time this property is used, roll a d6. On a 50-6, the property recharges after 1 minute; otherwise, it can't be used again for 24 hours.
Size: Large Vehicle (180 ft. by 30 ft.)
Armor Class: 15 (wood)
Hit Points: 400
Damage Threshold: 15
Speed: flying speed 40 ft. (4 1/2 mph)
Cost: 50000 gp
Keel/Beam: 180 ft. / 30 ft.
Crew: 20
Cargo: 17 tons
4 Ballista (3 Crew Each)
Armor Class 15
Hit Points 50 each
Cost 50 gp (ballista), 5 gp (bolt)
It takes 1 action to load a ballista, 1 action to aim it, and 1 action to fire it.
Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 120/480 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d10) piercing damage.
Armor Class 15
Hit Points 100
Cost 100 gp (mangonel), -- gp (stone)
It takes 2 actions to load the mangonel, 2 actions to aim it, and 1 action to fire it.
Mangonel Stone:
Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 200/800 ft. (can't hit targets within 60 ft. of it), one target. Hit: 27 (5d10) bludgeoning damage.
Hit Points --
Cost -- gp (included in ship cost)
As an action, the ship's spelljammer can make one of the following attacks with the ship's tentacles.
Grappling Tentacles:
Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 30 ft., one Huge or Gargantuan target. Hit: 22 (4d10) bludgeoning damage, and the nautiloid's speed becomes 0 until its spelljammer uses an action to release the target.
If the target is a creature, it is grappled (escape DC 16). If the target is another ship, the target's speed becomes 0 until the nautiloid releases it, or until the target or the nautiloid drops to 0 hit points.
Melee Spell Attack: +8 to hit, reach 30 ft., one creature. Hit: The target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be teleported to an unoccupied space aboard the nautiloid that the nautiloid's spelljammer can see.
Source: Spelljammer: Adventures in Space - Astral Adventurer's Guide p. 38 |