NameObviator's Lenses
Magic itemYes
TextAlso at rank 2, you gain the use of an uncommon magic item taking the form of a pair of spectacles, a spyglass, a monocle, or any other device with one or two lenses. When you look through the obviator's lenses, you use a bonus action to make them function as eyes of minute seeing or eyes of the eagle. Once you make this choice, it cannot be changed until the next dawn. Enhanced Lenses: At rank 4, your obviator's lenses gain additional power and become a rare magic item. The lenses now function as both eyes of the eagle and eyes of minute seeing. Additionally, you can focus the power of the lenses to gain accuracy in combat, gaining advantage on a weapon attack roll (no action required). If that attack hits, roll one additional weapon damage die. This property of the lenses can't be used again until the next dawn. Source: Acquisitions Incorporated p. 30