Text | At rank 2, you gain the use of a weathered leather pouch that is an uncommon magic item. The portfolio keeper holds and organizes notes, brochures, and business cards bearing your contact information. It also has an inexhaustible supply of brochures related to your franchise's current branding scheme.
When you meet someone for the first time, their details and a rough sketch are magically stored on a small parchment card in the portfolio keeper. You can access the details of any such stored card as a bonus action.
Cards of Sending: At rank 3, the power of your portfolio keeper becomes more potent, making it a rare magic item. When you give out a business card stored in your portfolio keeper, you can choose to have the card allow its recipient to contact you through your sending stone as if they had cast a sending spell. A business card loses this power seven days after it has been given out, and no more than five cards can have this power at one time.
You can also use your sending stone to cast sending and contact anyone who has one of your business cards. Once you use this feature of the stone, you cannot use it again until dawn seven days later.
Charming Introduction: Also at rank 4, you are able to make a focused effort to keep a potential customer's attention. When you provide a humanoid with a business card from your portfolio keeper, you can cast charm person on them (save DC 15). The spell ends prematurely if the character loses the business card.
Source: Acquisitions Incorporated p. 33 |