NamePowered Armor
Magic itemYes
Rarityplate armor, legendary (requires attunement)
TextPowered armor resembles a suit of unusual plate armor, with finely articulated joints connected by an oily, black, leather-like material. The armor has been worked to create the appearance of a heavily muscled warrior, and its great helm is unusual in that it has no openings—only a broad glass plate in the front with a second piece of glass above it. Strange plates, tubing, and large metal bosses adorn the armor in seemingly random fashion. On the back of the armor's left gauntlet is a rectangular metal box, from which projects a short rod tipped with a cone-shaped red crystal. While wearing this armor, you gain the following benefits: • You have a +1 bonus to AC. • Your Strength score is 18. (This has no effect if your Strength is already 18 or higher) • You have advantage on death saving throws. The armor has further capabilities that can be powered either by energy cells or by your own life energy. You can use a bonus action to draw power from an energy cell or sacrifice hit points to gain one of the following benefits: • Emit a force field to gain 2d6 + 5 temporary hit points. (1 charge or 5 hit points) • Activate boosters to gain a flying speed of 15 feet for 1 minute. (1 charge or 5 hit points) • Fire arm-mounted laser: Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 120 feet, one target. 2d6 radiant damage. (1 charge or 5 hit points) • Translate any writing you can see in any nonmagical language, to a total of one thousand words over 1 minute. (1 charge or 5 hit points) • Fill the armor with air, allowing you to breathe normally in any environment for up to 1 hour. (1 charge or 5 hit points) • Gain darkvision to a range of 60 feet for up to 1 hour. (1 charge or 5 hit points) The armor can accept only one energy cell at a time. It is found with one energy cell attached, containing 2d10 charges. Powered Armor Options: Depending on where and how it appears in the adventure, you might wish to modify the features of Kwalish's legendary powered armor. Source: Lost Laboratory of Kwalish p. 56
NamePowered Armor
TextThis suit of technologically advanced plate armor includes an under-suit that can fully seal, a helmet with a full face mask and crystal lenses in the eyeholes, and a set of gauntlets. The armor is powered by an energy cell stored in a compartment on the thigh plate. Placing a full energy cell in the armor gives the armor 24 charges. A suit of powered armor functions as a suit of normal plate armor, even when it has 0 charges remaining. Activating the Armor: As an action, you can expend any number of the armor's charges to activate it; the armor remains active for 1 hour per charge expended. You can use a bonus action to deactivate the armor early, but doing so doesn't recover any expended charges. While the armor is active, you gain the following benefits: Augmented Physicality: You have advantage on Strength checks, and your carrying capacity is doubled. Environmental Adaptation: The armor seals airtight and provides its own atmosphere. You can breathe normally in any environment and withstand extreme temperatures, and you're unaffected by harmful gases, as well as contact and inhaled poisons. Force Field: When you would take damage, you can use your reaction to expend 1 of the armor's charges to deploy a defensive force field. Roll 3d10 and reduce the damage taken by the total rolled. Propulsion: As a bonus action, you can expend 1 of the armor's charges to gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed for 1 minute. If you're airborne when this duration ends, you fall. Replacing the Energy Cell: While the armor has charges remaining, its energy cell can't be removed. Once the armor has 0 charges, you can replace the energy cell with a new cell by using an action or a bonus action. Source: Quests from the Infinite Staircase p. 191