NameShield Guardian Amulet
Magic itemYes
Rarityrare (requires attunement by a humanoid)
TextThe amulet is a 4-inch-wide disk composed of silver-framed wood, with a rune carved into its face. A detect magic spell reveals a magical aura of enchantment around the amulet. Every shield guardian has an amulet magically linked to it. A shield guardian can have only one corresponding amulet, and if that amulet is destroyed, the shield guardian is incapacitated until a replacement amulet is created. A shield guardian's amulet is subject to direct attack if it isn't being worn or carried. It has AC 10, 10 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage. Crafting an amulet requires 1 week and costs 1,000 gp in components. A shield guardian's solitary focus is to protect the amulet's wearer. The amulet's wearer can command the guardian to attack its enemies or to guard the wielder against attack. If an attack threatens to injure the wearer, the construct can magically absorb the blow into its own body, even at a distance. A humanoid that attunes to this amulet knows the distance and direction of the shield guardian, provided the amulet and the guardian are on the same plane of existence. As an action, the amulet's attuned wearer can try to reactivate the shield guardian, doing so with a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check. Reactivation can only be attempted while the amulet and guardian are within 10 feet of each other. Source: Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden p. 149