Text | This strange contraption of gears, wires, and lacquered wood has a handle with a metal grip and crank. Its stock bears a flamboyant maker's mark that reads: "Made in Hupperdook," a city in Wildemount. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
When you roll a 20 on an attack roll made with this weapon, you can immediately make another attack with this weapon after resolving the critical hit. When you roll a 1 on an attack roll made with this weapon, you must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 piercing damage as some of its gears and wires spring loose.
Ammunition: You can use a weapon that has the ammunition property to make a ranged attack only if you have ammunition to fire from the weapon. Each time you attack with the weapon, you expend one piece of ammunition. Drawing the ammunition from a quiver, case, or other container is part of the attack (you need a free hand to load a one-handed weapon). At the end of the battle, you can recover half your expended ammunition by taking a minute to search the battlefield.
If you use a weapon that has the ammunition property to make a melee attack, you treat the weapon as an improvised weapon (see "Improvised Weapons"). A sling must be loaded to deal any damage when used in this way.
Loading: Because of the time required to load this weapon, you can fire only one piece of ammunition from it when you use an action, bonus action, or reaction to fire it, regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make.
Proficiency: martial, hand crossbow
Source: Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting: Reborn p. 197 |