Text | The tombstone amulet was crafted by the followers of the god of Life from the tombstone of Sarath, the legendary high priest of the Shining Light who banished the Dark Star. It grants you protection from the powers of the undead and death itself.
You gain the following benefits:
• If damage reduces you to 0 hit points, you can make a Constitution saving throw unless the damage is from a critical hit. The DC equals 10 or half the damage you take, whichever number is higher. On a success, you drop to 1 hit point instead.
• You are automatically stable when reduced to 0 hit points.
• You gain advantage on saving throws against effects that would kill you instantly or reduce you to 0 hit points.
• You gain advantage on saving throws against necromancy spells and the special abilities of undead creatures.
• If you die, the tombstone amulet immediately restores your life as per the raise dead spell. This ability can't be used again until the next dawn.
Source: Crown of the Oathbreaker p. 742 (Homebrew) |