Text | This elegantly made ageless tome has been passed down by generations of geniuses, each adding more information to its pages. This tome contains 1d4 +1 entries from those listed below. You can roll randomly, or the DM can choose them.
For each entry in the tome, you gain proficiency in the skill that corresponds with the genius who wrote the entry, and an additional +5 bonus to any checks you make with that skill.
Genius (Proficiency)
Actor (Performance)
Psychologist (Insight)
Astronomer (Nature)
Surgeon (Medicine)
Cultist (Deception)
Researcher (Investigation)
Linguist (Persuasion)
Ritualist (Arcana)
Magistrate (History)
Theologian (Religion)
Once you are attuned to this tome for a year and a day, you can add your own entry into the tome detailing your area of expertise, choosing one skill that you are proficient in to add.
Source: LaserLlama: The Savant Expanded v5.2.0 p. 4 (Homebrew) |