NameTrinket (Barrier Peaks)
TextAt any point while the characters are searching through unusual equipment or detritus in the Monastery of the Distressed Body or the city of Daoine Gloine, roll on the following table to determine what they find. Each character finds one Barrier Peaks trinket over the course of the adventure. Barrier Peaks Trinkets: d100 | Trinket 01–02 | A handheld device containing a glowing green gem that darkens when no oxygen is present 03–04 | A foot-long, egg-shaped object made from stitched leather 05–06 | A black metal cylinder that dictates the history of an unknown plant or animal species when held 07–08 | A cylindrical jar containing a pickled crustacean of unknown origin 09–10 | A small thumb-button storage cylinder that releases a useless iron key when pressed 11–12 | An unusual heraldic cloak pin that emits a short musical fanfare when tapped 13–14 | A handheld tube that sucks in dust when squeezed and captures it in a detachable compartment 15–16 | A scintillating disk of unknown material 17–18 | A dial that can be twisted to slowly click back to its origin, whereupon it emits a loud ringing noise 19–20 | A hovering, apple-sized orb of metal that follows you around 21–22 | The petrified cocoon of an unknown insect 23–24 | A bronze gauntlet set with many slots, and which violently expels any object pressed into those slots 25–26 | A box that plays an illusory message in an unknown language when opened 27–28 | A rod that causes you to forget the last five minutes when you press a button near its tip 29–30 | A palm-sized cylinder that emits a harmless ray of glowing blue light when squeezed 31–32 | A bead that suppresses your hearing when secreted inside either ear, causing you to be deafened 33–34 | An amulet that displays your current health as a green bar above your head, with the bar retracting as your hit point total decreases 35–36 | A casket containing one hundred tasteless blue pills that produce no discernible effect when swallowed 37–38 | A metal mechanical puzzle with no apparent solution 39–40 | A metal spinning top that never tips over when spun 41–42 | Two strips of cloth-like material, each coated with a soft, hair-like fuzz on one side 43–44 | A simple wire pyramid that preserves any foodstuffs it is placed over 45–46 | A star chart labeled in an unknown script 47–48 | A rectangle of black glass that displays indecipherable arcane runes when you swipe your finger across it 49–50 | A schematic that shows the inner workings of an impossibly complex device 51–52 | An odd pair of comfortable shoes made from supple, multicolored material 53–54 | A mirror that makes you appear more beautiful when you tap your reflection 55–56 | A mechanical metal puppy that playfully follows you around when activated 57–58 | A talking bracelet that speaks only to correct your grammar 59–60 | A bar of soap that can remove any stain 61–62 | A journal in Common, written by someone in a world similar to but not quite the same as your own 63–64 | A tub containing one serving of disgusting but nutritious goop that refills itself slowly over the course of one week 65–66 | An instruction manual for activating a mysterious, world-destroying device 67–68 | A small supple disk that displays weird moving symbols when placed over either eye 69–70 | A tiny desk set with large, colorful buttons, each of which plays a discordant musical fanfare when pressed 71–72 | A pair of tinted spectacles that reduce the glare of the sun when worn 73–74 | An inflatable bedroll made from an unknown material, and which slowly deflates when used 75–76 | A rod tipped with a blunt metal pincer whose grip can be adjusted by turning a screw 77–78 | A battered helmet with a transparent orange visor that flips into place when donned 79–80 | An animated map of a mysterious city that appears to be tracking the movements of five creatures 81–82 | A cylinder of mist that holds your hair perfectly in shape when sprayed onto your head 83–84 | A talking wand that tells you the name of any plant you point it at 85–86 | A metal bracelet that displays the number of steps you've taken since your last long rest 87–88 | A tiny handheld device that projects a glowing dot onto whatever you point it at 89–90 | A rectangular piece of glass that displays a twelve-digit countdown on its surface 91–92 | A wall chart of mysterious formulae arranged into a color-coded grid 93–94 | A handheld device that solves any math problem you input using its buttons 95–96 | A ball of speckled brown fur that appears to be alive 97–98 | A complicated crystal board game that you don't know how to play 99–00 | A large glass rectangle that displays a storm of black and white patterns when you press a button on its underside Source: Lost Laboratory of Kwalish p. 7