Text | When you make your character, you can roll once on the Trinkets table to gain a trinket, a simple item lightly touched by mystery. The DM might also use this table. It can help stock a room in a dungeon or fill a creatures pockets.
Elemental Evil Trinkets:
d100 | Trinket
01 | A compass that always points to Mulmaster
02 | A paper fan that won't produce a breeze no matter how hard it's waved
03 | A petrified potato that resembles someone important to you
04 | A glass cup that can only be filled half way no matter how much liquid is poured into it
05 | A mirror that only shows the back of your head
06 | A small glass bird that when set down near water dips its head in as if to get a drink
07 | A lady's coin purse containing two sharp fangs
08 | A small sea conch with the words "From the beginning" painted on the lip
09 | A frost-covered silver locket that's frozen shut
10 | A seal which imprints a mysterious, unknown coat of arms into hard rock
11 | A small wooden doll that when held brings back fond memories
12 | A small handmirror which only reflects inanimate objects
13 | A glass eyeball that looks about of its own accordance, and can roll around
14 | A glass orb that replicates yesterday's weather inside itself
15 | A drinking cup, that randomly fills with fresh or salt water. Refilling once emptied
16 | A deep blue piece of flint, that when struck with steel produces not a spark but a drop of water
17 | A conch shell which is always damp and constantly drips saltwater
18 | A charred, half-melted pewter clasp that glows as if smoldering but releases no heat
19 | A clockwork finch that flaps its wings in the presence of a breeze
20 | An unbreakable sealed jar of glowing water that hums when shaken
21 | A small, finely polished geode whose crystals slowly fade between every color of the spectrum
22 | A rough stone eye pulled from a petrified creature
23 | A stone smoking pipe that never needs lighting
24 | A small whistle, that when blown, whispers a name of a person or place unknown to you, instead of the whistle sound
25 | A fist sized rock that "beats" like a heart
26 | A pair of bronze scissors in the shape of a pair of leaping dolphins
27 | A bronze oil lamp which is rumored to have once held a genie
28 | A single gauntlet inscribed with a fire motif and an unfamiliar name in Primordial
29 | A one-eyed little fish inside a spherical vial, much bigger than the vial's neck, He has a cunning look
30 | The tiny skull of a rabbit that whispers scathing insults when nobody is looking
31 | A rag doll in the likeness of an owlbear
32 | The desiccated body of a small eight-legged black lizard
33 | A small toy boat made with a walnut shell, toothpick, and piece of cloth
34 | A small pocket mirror that slowly fogs over while held
35 | Wind chimes that glow when the wind blows
36 | A small, clay square with an unknown rune etched into one side
37 | A tea kettle that heats itself when filled with water
38 | An old scratched monocle which shows an underwater landscape whenever someone looks through it
39 | A rose carved from coral
40 | A set of dice with elemental symbols and primordial runes instead of pips or numbers
41 | An amulet filled with liquid that churns, freezes, or boils to match it's wearer's mood
42 | A small silver bell that makes a sound like quiet, distant thunder when it's struck
43 | A small vial of black sand that glows slightly in the moonlight
44 | A small whale tooth with etched with an image of waves crashing upon a beach
45 | An hourglass in which the sands pour upward instead of downward
46 | A glass pendant with a hole in the center that a mild breeze always blows out of
47 | A soft feather that falls like a stone when dropped
48 | A large transparent gem that, when gripped tightly, whispers in Terran
49 | A small crystal snowglobe that, when shaken, seems to form silhouettes of dancing forms
50 | Half of a palm-sized geode that pulses dimly with purple light
51 | A book filled with writing that only appears when the book is held underwater
52 | A sealed envelope made of red leather that you haven't been able to open. It smells of campfire
53 | A locket of hair that is rumored to have come from a famed fire genasi
54 | Flint and steel that, when used to start a fire, creates a random colored flame
55 | A blank piece of wet parchment that never seems to dry
56 | A small puzzle box made of brass, that is slightly warm to the touch
57 | A cloudy chunk of glass that is said to hold a spark of breath from a blue dragon
58 | A crude chalice made of coal
59 | A miniature brass horn, silent when played, but fills the air with the scent of warm and exotic spices
60 | An eye-sized blue pearl that floats in salt water
61 | A tuning fork made from a dark metal which glows with a pale, white light during thunderstorms
62 | A small vial that is always filled with the smell of autumn wind
63 | A clear marble that slowly rolls toward the nearest source of running water
64 | A small collapsible silver cup that perspires constantly when opened
65 | An hourglass that tells time with falling mist instead of sand
66 | An ornate razor, which only cuts in freezing cold temperature
67 | A shark tooth covered in tiny etched words from a lost language
68 | A large brass coin with no markings or images on it
69 | A small wooden box filled with a strange red clay
70 | A necklace with a small, rusted iron anchor
71 | A small brass flute adorned with silver wire that is always faintly sounding
72 | A red and black Aarakocra feather
73 | A palm-sized stone with a hole in it, through which can be heard a constantly whispering wind
74 | A small conch shell covered in black crystal
75 | A small music box made of brass. It features a pair of tiny automatons that resemble Azer working at a forge
76 | A glass jar containing the preserved corpse of an unfamiliar aquatic creature
77 | A piece of petrified wood carved into the shape of a seashell
78 | A wooden puzzle cube covered in elemental symbols
79 | A small stone cube that acts as a magnet when placed against another stone
80 | A ring made of a white metal. On the inside is a name etched in Auran
81 | A bracelet made of silvered fish hooks
82 | A journal filled with poetry hand-written in Primordial
83 | A yellow gemstone that glows dimly when a storm is nearby
84 | A charred chisel with an unfamiliar symbol stamped into its base
85 | A canteen filled with a foul smelling orange mud
86 | A faceless doll made of driftwood
87 | A heavy iron key bearing the name of a ship long lost to the sea
88 | A small jewelry box made from the shell of a turtle
89 | A chess piece fashioned to look like fire myrmidon
90 | A spinning top with an image of one of the four elements on each side
91 | A single hoop earring made of a porous red stone
92 | An arrowhead carved from seasalt
93 | A small comb made of blue coral
94 | Seven small beads of sandstone on a string, all different colors
95 | A romance chapbook written in Undercommon titled "Just one Layer of Grey"
96 | A tiny, broken clockwork Harpy
97 | An ivory whale statuette
98 | A fist-sized cog, covered in barnacles
99 | An eyepatch made of obsidian and a black leather cord
100 | A glass bottle with a tiny ship of unfamiliar design inside
Source: Elemental Evil: Trinkets p. 1 |