Text | Icewind Dale Trinkets:
d100 | Trinket
01–04 | A small wooden figurine of a yawning walrus, painted in red and black
05–08 | A pair of scrimshaw cufflinks with an image of a fisherman on a boat engraved on them
09–12 | A small iron key with a frayed blue and gold cord tied to it
13–16 | A small illustrated book of Northlander myths that has pages missing
17–20 | A damaged scrimshaw cameo depicting a merfolk
21–24 | A stone from a burial cairn with a tiny Dwarvish rune carved into it
25–28 | A ripped cloth sail with a symbol you don't recognize
29–32 | An Ulu knife with a scrimshaw handle
33–36 | A jar containing an unidentifiable, sweet, sticky substance
37–40 | A delicate glass ball painted with snowflakes, capped by a metal loop with a tiny hook attached to it
41–44 | An expedition log with missing pages and a pressed flower used as a bookmark
45–48 | An owl figurine carved from whalebone
49–52 | A sewing box that smells of old wood and has three spools of blue thread inside
53–56 | A scrimshaw-handled ink pen with black runic designs along its length
57–60 | A brooch made from a small insect encased in amber
61–64 | A scrimshaw pepper shaker etched with the letter W
65–68 | An old, wooden-handled ice pick stained with blood that won't wash off
69–72 | A fabric doll bearing an angry expression
73–76 | A set of wind chimes made from seashells
77–80 | A beautiful silver tin that, when opened, emits the smell of rotting fish
81–84 | A bloodstained dreamcatcher made from fishing line, gold wire, and snowy owlbear feathers
85–88 | A figurine of a polar bear made of ice that never melts
89–92 | A snow globe that doesn't need to be shaken
93–96 | A piece of sea glass shaped like a unicorn's horn
97–00 | A dark blue scarf that gets lighter in shade the higher the altitude of the wearer
Source: Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden p. 263 |