NameVial of Greed
Magic itemYes
Rarityrare (requires attunement)
TextThis small glass vial can stockpile resources for use in the future. Once stored, resources last for 1 century before vanishing. As an action you make the vial store any number of the following resources, which are magically consumed and converted into a violetcolored liquid: • Up to 31 days of food and/or drink. The flavors are lost, instead becoming tasteless. • Up to 7 days of alcohol. The flavors are lost, instead becoming tasteless. • Up to 5 magic scrolls that affect a single creature. The target of the spell is you, and if the spell requires concentration, you can concentrate. • Up to 5 magic potions. No more than 2 duplicate potions can be stored at a time. You may have more than one kind of resource in the vial, up to the limits expressed above. You can use a bonus action to consume one day of food (or alcohol) or activate one scroll or magic potion. If activating a magic scroll, the effects of that scroll must end before you can activate another scroll from must end before you can activate another scroll from the Vial of Greed. Source: Chains of Asmodeus p. 270 (Third Party)