Text | Constructed from the same materials as his tower, Dispater's Wrought-Iron Tower is a powerful weapon that marks his rule over Dis. It embodies his ideals, representing defense, authority, and power. Its construction changes hourly, similar to the tower, appearing as either iron, steel, lead, or adamantine.
The Wrought-Iron Tower is a magic staff that functions as a warhammer and you have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. If a creature is vulnerable to a certain type of damage, all damage dealt with the staff is converted to that damage type. When you hit a good aligned creature with it, that creature takes an extra 3d6 fire damage.
While holding the staff, you can control and navigate through the Iron Tower in Dis. While the staff is on the layer of Dis, Dispater knows the exact location of it, and is capable of teleporting to within 30 feet of it at will.
Random Properties:
The Wrought-Iron Tower has the following random properties:
• 2 minor beneficial properties.
The Best Offense:
While attuned to the staff, you have a +2 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to all saving throws.
Additionally, the staff has 10 charges. When you make an attack, you may spend 1 or more charges. For each charge spent, you deal an additional 2 fire damage on a successful attack. Charges are still consumed if the attack misses. The staff regains all charges each day at dawn.
After dealing damage with the staff, you may use a bonus action and expend 1 charge to replace the damage dealt with your total AC instead.
The Wrought-Iron Tower also functions as a Rod of Rulership, with an increased save DC of 18. This property costs 3 charges to use, though a creature that successfully saves against one of its uses is immune to future uses for 24 hours.
You can cast Searing Smite at 6th level on yourself, expending 1 charge. Instead of doing fire damage, you may have Searing Smite inflict acid damage. The spell requires no concentration and lasts for 1 minute.
Destroying the Staff:
The Wrought-Iron Tower can only be destroyed inside the Iron Tower on Dis. Located somewhere within the tower is the forge that Dispater used to create the staff. An attuned creature must place the staff into the forge fires, then cast Dispel Evil and Good and touch the staff. They then take 20d10 fire damage, which ignores resistance and immunities. If the attuned creature survives the fire damage, the staff is destroyed.
Versatile: This weapon can be used with one or two hands. A damage value in parentheses appears with the property—the damage when the weapon is used with two hands to make a melee attack.
Proficiency: martial, warhammer
Source: Chains of Asmodeus p. 276 (Third Party) |