Agent (Shadowmaster)

Medium Humanoid, Any Alignment

Armor Class

15 (medium armor)

Hit Points

8 (1d8)


30 ft.


Acrobatics +3, Deception +2, Perception + 0, Stealth +3


Common, Infernal


Proficiency Bonus

+equals the mentor's bonus


Seven times their level (number of d8 Hit Dice equal to their level)

Saving Throws

+PB to all


Acrobatics +3 plus PB, Deception +2 plus PB, Perception + 0 plus PB, Stealth +3 plus PB

3rd Level: Shadow Gate (3/Day)

As a bonus action, the agent teleports up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space they can see. The next time the agent hits a creature with a signature attack before the end of their next turn, the attack deals an extra PB piercing damage.

5th Level: Dark Strike (3/Day)

As an action, the agent makes a signature attack, then places infernal seals on the target. The next time the target is hit by an attack, the seals burn darkly, dealing an extra PBd6 necrotic damage to the target.

7th Level: Seal Fate (1/Day)

As an action, the agent makes two signature attacks against a creature. If one or both attacks hit, the target's speed is reduced to 0 and the target has disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of the agent's next turn.


Signature Attack (Daggers)

Melee Weapon Attack: +3 plus PB to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 2d4 plus PB piercing damage. Beginning at 7th level, the agent can make this attack twice, instead of once, when they take the Attack action on their turn.