Chwinga Astronaut

Tiny elemental, typically neutral

Armor Class


Hit Points

7 (3d4)


walk 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.


stealth +7, acrobatics +7, perception +7


blindsight 60 ft.



Proficiency Bonus



When the chwinga is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it fails, provided it isn't incapacitated.

Unusual Nature

The chwinga doesn't require air, food, or drink. When it dies, it turns into a tiny pile of moondust, a cloud of glittering spores, a statuette resembling its former self, a chunk of ice, or a sponge shaped like a dodecahedron (DM's choice).



The chwinga casts one of the following spells, requiring no material or verbal components and using Charisma as the spellcasting ability: • At will: druidcraft, guidance, pass without trace, resistance

Magical Gift (1/Day)

The chwinga targets a Humanoid it can see within 5 feet of itself. The target gains a supernatural charm of the DM's choice. See the Dungeon Master's Guide for more information on supernatural charms.

Natural Shelter

The chwinga takes shelter inside a rock, a bush, a tree, or a natural source of fresh water in its space. The chwinga can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect while it is magically protected in this way, and the shelter doesn't impair the chwinga's blindsight. The chwinga can use its action to emerge from a shelter. If its shelter is destroyed, the chwinga is forced out and appears in the shelter's space, but is otherwise unharmed.