40 ft., Climb 40 ft.
Religion +PB, Stealth +PB
fire, poison
darkvision 120 ft.
Infernal, and any languages you know
13 + your Charisma modifier
Once per turn when the Archon hits a creature with an Iridescent Strike, its temporary hit points are increased by an amount equal to half the damage dealt. This has no effect on undead targets.
When the Archon uses its action to make an Iridescent Strike, it can make one additional Iridescent Strike attack as part of that same action.
40 ft., Climb 40 ft.
Athletics +PB, Stealth +PB
fire, poison
darkvision 120 ft.
Infernal, and any languages you know
When the Archon takes the Attack action, it can choose to enter a Frenzy which lasts until the start of your next turn. For the duration, all of its attacks, and all attacks against the Archon have advantage.
Once per turn when the Archon deals fire damage with an Iridescent Strike, its temporary hit points increase by CHA. Your total temporary hit points cannot exceed twice your Vessel level.