
Tiny Dragon, Lawful Good

Armor Class

14 (natural armor)

Hit Points

3 (1d4+1)


25 ft., fly 30 ft.


Perception +2

Damage Resistances

see Metallic Character trait


darkvision 60 ft.



Proficiency Bonus



Whenever the dragonling first detects treasure worth 100 gp or more that isn't being worn or carried, it must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw or get distracted. While distracted, it spends its movement and actions trying to get close to, and frolic in, the treasure. A distracted dragonling repeats the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success and becoming immune to the allure of that treasure for the next 24 hours.

Metallic Character

When the dragonling's tamer finishes a long rest, the dragonling gains an affinity for the element associated with the first precious metal it touches. This affinity grants the dragonling resistance to that damage type and lasts until its tamer next finishes a long rest. Copper gives acid affinity, gold gives fire, and magnetite & silver give cold.


The dragonling gains blindsight to a range of 15 feet.

Harden I

The dragonling gains a +2 bonus to its AC while it isn't wearing armor.

Harden II

The dragonling gains a +2 bonus to its AC while it isn't wearing armor. This improvement is in addition to the bonus from Harden I.



As an action, the dragonling can make two bite attacks.


Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Breath Weapon I

As an action, the dragonling can unleash a torrent of elemental energy. Each creature in an area must make a saving throw, taking 17 (5d6) damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The area, damage type, and saving throw depend on the dragonling's affinity (see its Metallic Character trait): • Copper. A 5-foot-wide, 30-foot-long line that requires a Dexterity saving throw and deals acid damage. • Gold. A 20-foot cone that requires a Dexterity saving throw and deals fire damage. • Magnetite. A 20-foot cone that requires a Dexterity saving throw and deals piercing damage. • Silver. A 20-foot cone that requires a Constitution saving throw and deals cold damage. After the dragonling uses this action, it can't do so again until its tamer finishes a short or long rest. When the dragonling's tamer reaches 9th level in the tamer class, this action's damage increases to 24 (7d6).

Breath Weapon II

The damage of the dragonling's Breath Weapon action increases to 31 (9d6), the area of the cones increases to 30 feet, and the length of the line increases to 90 feet. The dragonling gains a +1 bonus to the save DC of this action. When the dragonling's tamer reaches 17th level in the tamer class, the Breath Weapon's damage increases to 42 (12d6).

Wing Attack

As an action, the dragonling can beat its wings. Each creature within 10 feet of the dragonling must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + the tamer's proficiency bonus + the dragonling's Strength modifier) or take bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The damage equals 4d6 plus the dragonling's Strength modifier. Creatures larger than the dragonling automatically succeed on this saving throw. The dragonling can then fly up to half its flying speed.