30 ft., Climb 30 ft.
Deception +PB, Stealth +PB
acid, cold
blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius)
Primordial, and any languages you know
13 + your Charisma modifier
The Archon has a number of additional pseudopods equal to your Constitution modifier. These pseudopods can only make Iridescent Strikes, and have a reach of 10 feet. Attacks can target these pseudopod limbs to attack the Archon directly.
When the Archon hits a creature that is equal to its size or smaller with an Iridescent Strike using one of its psuedopods, it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be grappled. As an action, a grappled creature can make a Strength saving throw, escaping on a success. If a pseudopod is grappling a creature it cannot be used to make Iridescent Strikes.
30 ft., Climb 30 ft.
Deception +PB, Stealth +PB
acid, cold
blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius)
Primordial, and any languages you know
The Archon has a number of additional pseudopods equal to your CHA. These pseudopods can only be used for unarmed Iridescent Strikes, and have a reach of 10 feet. Creatures can attack these pseudopod limbs to damage the Archon directly.
When the Archon hits a creature equal to its size or smaller with a melee Iridescent Strike, the target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be grappled. As an action, a grappled creature can make a Strength saving throw, escaping on a success.