
Huge giant, Neutral Evil

Armor Class

14 (natural armor)

Hit Points

178 (17d12 + 68)


walk 40 ft.


Wis +3, Cha +1


Perception +3


Darkvision 120 ft.






Gygor is a 6th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 9, +1 to hit with spell attacks). Gygor knows the following warlock spells: • Cantrips (at will): chill touch, eldritch blast, true strike • 1st-3rd level (2 3rd level slots): expeditious retreat, fear, fly, hellish rebuke, mirror image*, misty step, protection from evil and good *Gygor casts these spells on itself before combat.

Aura of Despair

The despair giant is constantly surrounded by a 10-foot radius aura of despair. A creature within the aura must make a DC 9 Charisma saving throw at the beginning of its turn. On a failed save, the creature suffers disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the end of its turn. On a successful save, the creature is unaffected.

Dark Devotion

Gygor has advantage on saving throws against being charmed.

Devil's Sight

Gygor can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet.

Devoid of Emotions

The despair giant is immune to effects that would alter or modify its emotions.

Hag's Form (Recharges after a Long Rest)

As a bonus action, Gygor can magically polymorph into a small or medium humanoid for one hour. Gygor's statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment Gygor is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. Gygor reverts to its true form if it dies.

One with Shadows

When Gygor is in an area of dim light or darkness, it can use its action to become invisible until it moves or takes an action or a reaction.



The despair giant makes two greatclub attacks.


Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (3d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage.


Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage.

Sign of Ill Omen (Recharges after a Long Rest)

Gygor can cast bestow curse once using a warlock spell slot.

Painful Incantation (Recharges after a Long Rest)

As a bonus action, Gygor can choose to use painful incantation when it rolls damage for a spell and force the damaged creature to make a DC 9 Constitution saving throw. On a fail save, the target creature's speed is halved, it has disadvantage on attacks, skill checks, Strength, Dexterity saving throws for 1 minute, and if the target tries to cast a spell during this time, it must first succeed on a Constitution saving throw, or the casting fails and the spell is wasted. A target suffering from this pain can make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a successful save, the pain ends.