Undead Spirit

Medium undead, Unaligned

Armor Class


Hit Points



walk 30 ft., fly 40 ft.

Damage Immunities

necrotic, poison

Condition Immunities

exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned


darkvision 60 ft.


understands the languages you speak


Hit Points

30 + 10 for each spell level above 3rd

Incorporeal Passage (Ghostly Only)

The spirit can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. If it ends its turn inside an object, it is shunted to the nearest unoccupied space and takes 1d10 force damage for every 5 feet traveled.

Festering Aura (Putrid Only)

Any creature, other than you, that starts its turn within 5 feet of the spirit must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or be poisoned until the start of its next turn.



The spirit makes a number of attacks equal to half this spell's level (rounded down).

Deathly Touch (Ghostly Only)

Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 + 3 + the spell's level necrotic damage, and the creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or be frightened of the undead until the end of the target's next turn.

Grave Bolt (Skeletal Only)

Ranged Spell Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, range 150 ft., one target. Hit: 2d4 + 3 + the spell's level necrotic damage.

Rotting Claw (Putrid Only)

Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 + 3 + the spell's level slashing damage. If the target is poisoned, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC be paralyzed until the end of its next turn.