Warship (UA)

Gargantuan vehicle (100 ft. × 20 ft.), Unaligned

Armor Class


Hit Points



4 miles per hour (96 miles per day)

Damage Immunities

poison, psychic

Condition Immunities

blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious


Hit Points



Armor Class: 15 Hit Points: 500 (damage threshold 20)


Helm Armor Class: 18 Hit Points: 50 Move up to the speed of one of its movement components, with one 90-degree turn. If the helm is destroyed, the Warship (UA) can't turn.


Sails Armor Class: 12 Hit Points: 100; -10 ft. speed per 25 damage taken Locomotion (water): sails, speed 35 ft.; 15 ft. while sailing into the wind; 50 ft. while sailing with the wind.


Oars Armor Class: 12 Hit Points: 100; -5 ft. speed per 25 damage taken Locomotion (water): oars, speed 20 ft. with 80 or more rowers, 10 feet with 40 or more rowers, 5 ft. with 20 or more rowers.



Ballistas (2) Armor Class: 15 Hit Points: 50 each Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 120/480 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d10) piercing damage.


Mangonels (2) Armor Class: 15 Hit Points: 100 each Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 200/800 ft. (can't hit targets within 60 ft. of it), one target. Hit: 27 (5d10) bludgeoning damage.


Ram Armor Class: 20 Hit Points: 100 (damage threshold 10) The Warship (UA) has advantage on all saving throws relating to crashing when it crashes into a creature or object. Any damage it suffers from the crash is instead applied to the ram. These benefits do not apply if another vessel crashes into the Warship (UA).