
Small humanoid (grung), Lawful Evil

Armor Class


Hit Points

49 (9d6+18)


walk 25 ft., climb 25 ft.


Dex +5


Athletics +2, Perception +2, Stealth +5, Survival +2

Damage Immunities


Condition Immunities







Yorb can breathe air and water.

Poisonous Skin

Any creature that grapples Yorb or otherwise comes into direct contact with Yorb's skin must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. A poisoned creature no longer in direct contact with Yorb can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Standing Leap

Yorb's long jump is up to 25 feet and its high jump is up to 15 feet, with or without a running start.



Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 5 (2d4) poison damage.


Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 5 (2d4) poison damage.

Mesmerizing Chirr (Recharge 6)

Yorb makes a chirring noise to which grungs are immune. Each humanoid or beast that is within 15 feet of Yorb and able to hear it must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or be stunned until the end of Yorb's next turn.

Variant: Grung Poison

Grung poison loses its potency 1 minute after being removed from a grung. A similar breakdown occurs if Yorb dies. A creature poisoned by a grung can suffer an additional effect that varies depending on Yorb's skin color. This effect lasts until the creature is no longer poisoned by Yorb. Green: The poisoned creature can't move except to climb or make standing jumps. If the creature is flying, it can't take any actions or reactions unless it lands. Blue: The poisoned creature must shout loudly or otherwise make a loud noise at the start and end of its turn. Purple: The poisoned creature feels a desperate need to soak itself in liquid or mud. It can't take actions or move except to do so or to reach a body of liquid or mud. Red: The poisoned creature must use its action to eat if food is within reach. Orange: The poisoned creature is frightened of its allies. Gold: The poisoned creature is charmed and can speak Grung.