NameBlood Curse of the Draining Cloud (HB)
ClassesBlood Curses
TextPrerequisite: Order of the Mosquito As a bonus action, you can mark one creature you can see within 30 feet of you to become the nexus of a life-draining swarm for the duration of the curse. The first time the marked creature deals damage with an attack, the attack inflicts additional Necrotic damage equal to your Hemocraft die roll. Simultaneously, you regain hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt. Amplify: When you choose to amplify this blood curse, the creature gains vulnerability to necrotic damage for the duration of the curse. Additionally, the radius of the draining swarm's influence expands to 10 feet around the cursed target. The amplified curse concludes when any creature takes necrotic damage from the Draining Cloud. Source: Subclasses That Shouldn't Exist v1 p. 7 (Homebrew)