NameConjunction of the Natural (HB)
Time1 action
Range60 feet
ComponenentsV, S, M (an item originally from a plane of flora and fauna, worth at least 10 gp)
DurationConcentration, up to 1 minute
ClassesSchool: Conjuration, Bard, Druid, Paladin, Ranger
TextYou begin to merge your current plane of existence with a plane of flora and fauna in a 30-foot-radius, 60-foot-tall cylinder centered on a point that you can see within range. That area is under the following effects for the duration of the spell: • All creatures in the area are under the effects of a speak with animals spell and can communicate with plants, as if by the speak with plants spell. • The effects of the awaken spell are suppressed within the cylinder. • Each beast or plant creature gains 10 temporary hit points at the start of each of its turns while it is within the cylinder. • All nonmagical terrain in the cylinder either becomes difficult terrain or normal terrain for the duration of the spell (your choice when you cast the spell). The ground may turn rough and rocky, dense foliage may temporarily thin out, or some other natural effect of your choosing occurs. Source: Tasha's Crucible of Everything Else, Volume 1 p. 60 (Homebrew)