Text | When you cast this spell, you gain one level of contamination. You draw unrestrained arcane magic from the delerium shard you hold in your hand. Until the spell ends, you gain the following benefits:
• When you cast a spell that deals acid, fire, cold, lightning, or poison damage, you can change the damage type to force, necrotic, psychic, or radiant damage.
• Once per turn when you deal damage with a spell, you can deal an extra 1d12 necrotic damage for each contamination level you have gained to one target of that spell.
• When you cast a spell that forces a creature to make a saving throw to resist its effects, you can choose to gain one level of contamination. If you do, one target of the spell has disadvantage on its first saving throw made against that spell.
This spell can't be dispelled by dispel magic.
Source: Dungeons of Drakkenheim p. 226 |