Classes | School: Necromancy, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Warlock, Tamer (Heliana), Tamer (Heliana) (Leader), Tamer (Heliana) (Necromancer) |
Text | Choose a willing creature you can see within range; it ceases to heed the pained calls of its body, needing neither food nor water to exist. An affected creature ignores the effects of exhaustion, the poisoned condition, and cannot be incapacitated, stunned, paralysed, or fall unconscious. Each time an affected creature takes damage that would reduce its hit points to 0, it makes a death saving throw instead. If the creature fails 3 death saving throws, it dies.
When the spell ends, the creature gains a level of exhaustion for each death saving throw it failed. If the creature is resurrected after dying from these failed death saving throws, it does not regain consciousness for a duration equal to the time for which this spell affected it. When it wakes, it gains 3 levels of exhaustion.
If the creature is still alive when the spell ends, it falls unconscious for a duration equal to the time for which this spell affected it. Whilst unconscious in this way, the creature can not be awakened by any means short of a wish spell.
At Higher Levels:
When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can increase the duration to 10 minutes (6th level), 1 hour (7th level), 8 hours (8th level) or 1 day (9th level).
Source: Heliana's Guide to Monster Hunting p. 502 (Homebrew) |