Time1 action
Range120 feet
ComponenentsV, S, M (paper or leaf in the shape of a funnel)
DurationConcentration, up to 1 minute
ClassesSchool: Evocation, Druid, Druid (Tempest (HB)), Druid (Tides (HB)), Druid (Alternate Coast (HB)), Paladin (Corsair (HB)), Rogue (Saboteur (HB)), Sorcerer (Voidwielder (HB)), Sorcerer (Waveborn (HB)), Vessel v3.0.1 (LaserLlama) (The Water Cataclysm), Warlock (The Kraken (UA))
TextA swirling mass of 5-foot-deep water appears in a 30-foot radius centered on a point you can see within range. The point must be on the ground or in a body of water. Until the spell ends, that area is difficult terrain, and any creature that starts its turn there must succeed on a Strength saving throw or take 6d6 bludgeoning damage and be pulled 10 feet toward the center. Source: Xanathar's Guide to Everything p. 160, Elemental Evil Player's Companion p. 20