Text | Cost: 2 Sorcery Points
When you cast a spell that forces a target to make a saving throw, you can spend 2 Sorcery Points to have the initial saving throw target an ability score determined by random chance. Roll a d12, and the spell's initial saving throw is changed to target the ability score from the list below.
If you roll a 1, your spell immediately fails. However, only the 2 Sorcery Points you spent to use this ability are wasted, and you regain the spell slot you used to cast the spell.
Unstable Spell Table:
1 | Spell Failure
2-3 | Strength
4-5 | Dexterity
6-7 | Constitution
8-9 | Wisdom
10 | Intelligence
11 | Charisma
12 | Your Choice
Source: LaserLlama: Sorcerous Origins, Metamagics & Origin Spells v2.0.0 p. 15 (Homebrew) |