Text | You choose a creature, an object, or a place within range and create an illusion no larger than a 100 ft cube. If an arcane eye, clairvoyance, scrying spell, or similar magic would perceive the target, it instead perceives the illusion that you created when you cast this spell. This illusion can only be perceived by that type of magic, and does not affect creatures perceiving the target through nonmagical means. The illusion can include visuals, sounds, smells, tastes, and other stimuli, but it can't deal damage or impose conditions.
For example, you could cast this spell on an area that includes the hallway of a gang's hideout, allowing you to walk through that hallway without notifying the warlock guards who are scrying on it.
Suspicious creatures can attempt a Wisdom (Perception) check against your spell save DC. On a success, they realize it's an illusion, but can't perceive past the illusion. If the spell is cast on a creature or object, it follows that creature or object.
Casting this spell on the same area every day for 30 days makes this effect permanent.
At Higher Levels:
When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the illusion can be 100 ft larger for each spell level above 4th.
Source: Tasha's Crucible of Everything Else, Volume 1 p. 64 (Homebrew) |