NamePrison of Ice (HB)
Time1 action
Range10 feet
ComponenentsV, S, M (2 ki point)
Duration1 turn
ClassesMonk (Way of the Four Elements Remastered)
TextAs an action, you can spend 2 ki points to attempt to restrain a creature in ice. You target a creature you can see that is within 30 feet of you, which must succeed on a Strength saving throw or else be restrained. A creature restrained in this way can use its action to repeat this saving throw, ending the effect on a success. A creature that starts its turn encased in this ice takes 1d6 cold damage. For every additional ki point you spend, you can target an additional creature. Restrained: • A restrained creature's speed becomes 0, and it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed. • Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, and the creature's attack rolls have disadvantage. • The creature has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws. Source: Tasha's Crucible of Everything Else, Volume 2 p. 25 (Homebrew)