NameScholarly Pursuits: Astrology
ClassesSavant: Scholarly Pursuits
TextPrerequisite: 4th-level Savant You are a disciple of heavenly bodies and use this knowledge to twist fate. You gain proficiency in Arcana, and whenever you make an Intelligence (Arcana) check, you gain a bonus to your roll equal to one roll of your Intellect Die. During each long rest that you can see the night sky, roll a d20 and record that number. Once before the end of the next long rest, you can choose to use that roll in place of the d20 for ability check, attack roll, or saving throw before you roll. If a Pursuit allows you to add one roll of your Intellect Die to an ability check that already has this benefit, you roll your Intellect Die twice and use the higher result instead. Source: LaserLlama: The Savant v5.2.0 p. 10