NameShape Plants
Time1 action
DurationInstantaneous; Special, see text
ClassesSchool: Transmutation, Bard, Cleric, Druid
TextYou call upon gentle natural magics to alter the growth of plants. Any plant life you can see within range that fits within a 5-foot cube can take on whatever shape you desire. Additionally, if the plant is a bramble or capable of growing thorns, you may turn the affected area into difficult terrain, causing 2d4 points of piercing damage for every 5 feet moved through the area you shaped. You may also increase or decrease the number of flowers, vines, leaves, thorns, branches, or fruits produced by any plant you shape. After one hour, the magic of your spell fades, and the plant resumes its normal shape. If you can use speak with plants (or a similar ability) to communicate with the plant, you may persuade it to retain its new form. Different plants have different feelings and attitudes, and if the form is too different from its natural shape it is likely to decline. If the plant accepts, at the GM's discretion, it will retain the form you have sculpted it into, in which case the effect becomes permanent. At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot above 4th level, the size of the cube of plant life you can affect with the spell increases by an additional 5 feet for every slot level above 4th. Source: Humblewood Campaign Setting p. 51